Tuesday, December 22, 2015

From the Heart...

I remember feeling so inefficient, inadequate, and incapable.

God, at times, puts these pressures on me and I wonder why? I do believe in God’s divine ordination. I do believe that everything that happens in life-good or bad- is a part of God’s will. But still- can my circumstances chill for a minute?

In my past experiences, there have been situations where I trusted Him and situations where I did not trust Him. And it seems as when I master one area of trust, I’m tested in another area. Welcome to the journey of being a Christian in an ever-changing world. One thing I can say is that God always seeks to deal with your ENTIRE being. There is no lack in Him- whether it be your physical, emotional, intellectual, or social state- he seeks to make you WHOLE-to really heal you in every area of your life. 

How thoughtful right?
My real response should be Thank You God! You’re so efficient!!! But honestly its not- and for you reading this that isn’t your response either! Some of us fail to acknowledge the areas in our life that need healing.

Some of you have attitude issues.
Some of you have sexual/lust issues.
Some of you have bitterness issues.
Some of you have jealousy issues.
Some of you have lying issues.
Some of you have drunkenness issues.
Some of you have stubbornness issues.
Some of you have pride issues.
Some of you have confidence issues.
Some of you have laziness issues.
Some of you have ungratefulness issues.
Some of you have self-esteem issues.
Some of you have God issues.
Some of you have smoking issues.
Some of you have daddy issues.
Some of you have bf/gf issues.
Some of you have “being-single” issues.
Some of you have daily devotion issues.
Some of you have praying issues.
Some of you have double-mindedness issues.
Some of you have forgiving issues.
Some of you have just have ISSUES.

So when we avail ourselves to God- or at least "on-Sundays-after-a-powerful-sermon-and-with-tears-in-your-eyes-at-the-altar" say, "God, I’m ready to be used by you!" - are you really ready?

Are you open to what God wants to do in your life?

God’s working may be revealed in different ways- unconventional ways.

And from my own experiences all I can say is, no matter how hard it seems, TRUST GOD. Something you can do RIGHT NOW? Repeat to yourself that God loves me and He wants the best for me. I don’t care if you have to say that to yourself EVERY DAY. Say it! In spite of whatever you're experiencing. Say It! God loves me and He wants the best for me.

Love You All,

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